The following are podcasts featuring Brian Glibkowski, PhD as a guest.
About AQAnswer Intelligence (AQ)™ is the ability to provide elevated answers to explain and predict in a complex world, emotionally connect, and achieve results. Are you conversation ready?
Meet HarperHarper's story illustrates the transformative power of AQ in her own career and in the success of her organization.
AQ Upskilling PlatformAI is machine thinking. AQ is human thinking (developed based on academic research) in terms of simple questions (why, what, how, when, where, who) and answers (concept, metaphor, theory, story, procedure, action) that elevate human-to-AI and human-to-human communication.
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Explore AQ (Free Assessment) AQ TEDx Video Professional Services Firms + AQ Brian Glibkowski, PhD - AQ Creator Meet Harper - Overview Video Transformation - 3 part case Meet Mark - Software Case Reasons You Need AQ |
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