anchor: appvideo
Software > The Raise Your AQ app
The Raise Your AQ app
The Raise Your AQ app elevates your answers and influence at work.
The app covers important topics like leadership, teamwork, sales, and more. Make AQ a habit through deliberate daily practice over 4-weeks. The app combines the best of an app and weekly live training with a certified AQ partner.
anchor: CaseStudy
Raise Your AQ App Case Study
Jason Langford-Brown, Certified AQ Partner, led PDSI through a 4-week Raise Your AQ app experience. PDSI is a big-ticket project management firm. Senior managers focused on Coaching AQ to improve their individual coaching and establish an organizational culture of coaching. A lasting Coaching AQ habit was created and the AQ skill extended to many areas of the business including customer service, sales, and internal team meetings.
The Need
The Results
Use The Raise Your AQ APP at Your Organization
Contact us to sign up for the program and find the right partner for your organization.